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As more and more of our lives are being lived on the internet, the livelihood of business's are becoming increasingly reliant on their online presence. Inherent to creating a good online image, the functionality and visual aesthetic of e-commerce sites are arguably the
most important attributes to their success.

Furniture Galore, a Melbourne-based furniture store, has a seemingly contemporary and aesthetically pleasing website, however, this is ruined by the poor interaction design and countless inconsistencies. This project seeks to revitalize the brand's website, online presence, and thus the brand itself through a redesign. The main problems of the site were identified as:


  1. Many inconsistencies in design ruins the initially pleasing aesthetic of the website.

  2. Ambiguities and dark patterns can cause a lot of confusion and easily creates traps for users.

  3. Alignment and spacing quite bad, with sections of menu being hard to reach, as well as causing illegibility in some areas and misinformation.

  4. Unnecessary information is highlighted, and important information is less visible.

  5. Misleading menu and submenu categories that contain no products.


However, perhaps due to combining factors of their badly designed online image and the recent pandemic, in the short 12-week span of this project, the site informed visitors of a closing down sale at the end of the project, and is currently permanently shut down, and only accessible through cached archives of the site


Nonetheless, this project has seen the analysis of good and bad e-commerce sites, the iterative process of rethinking, and comprehensive process of redesigning the site, and finally the implementation of the mockup in its entirety, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Aiming to provide users with a smoother and more enjoyable experience with Furniture Galore's website, while keeping the brand's roots and values at heart.

Part One: Analysis

Part Two: Redesign

Part Three: Implementation

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